
LGUs can transform state universities and colleges in their area into quarantine and isolation centers.

LGUs should sign a memorandum of agreement provided by the Commission on Higher Education in order to establish these quarantine and isolation centers.
LGUs can engage State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in establishing Quarantine Centers/Community-based Isolation Units (CIUs) through a MOA with both CHED and SUCs.
A Public Health Experts Group led by UP Manila College of Public Health Dean Jun Belizario will provide technical assistance to both LGUs and SUCs in establishing and running quarantine centers.
Requirements and services for setting up quarantine centers/CIUs in SUCs:
- Spaces or venues equipped with utilities and basic amenities.
- Required LGU personnel
- Food, sanitation, infection control health monitoring and prompt referral systems
- Provision of security, waste management, and vector control, and psychosocial wellness and support for PUMs/PUIs.
Role of CHED and CHED Regional Offices
1. Manage the engagement – provide guidelines and policy support, monitoring and evaluation of the activity
2. Technical assistance in the identification, establishment, and maintenance of quarantine centers/CIUs in SUC’s facility.
Role of LGUs
1. Identify SUCs that can be converted into a quarantine center/CIUs with the assistance of their health personnel and experts.
2. Enter a MOA with the SUC
3. Provide the following services:
- Food
- Sanitation (facilities such as toilets and bathrooms)
- Infection control
- Health monitoring and prompt referral
- Symptomatic treatment
- Discharge instructions including home care and follow-up
- Psychosocial wellness and support (includes visits of relatives)
- Laundry
- Waste management and vector control
- Security
- Other services as appropriate
4. Ensure that the requirements for setting up quarantine centers/CIUs are met.
- Space – can be a permanent or temporary structure in the SUC such as school gyms, classrooms, huge office or training venues equipped with utilities and basic amenities
- Human Resources
- Human Resource Function
CIU Manager (1)
- Maintains order and ensures upkeep and security of the CIU
- Oversees provision of supplies and logistics
- Prepares daily summary of PUIs and PUMs admitted to the CIU
- Oversees and coordinate the human resources for the CIU
- Coordinates with Barangay Officials.
Sanitation Officer (1)
- Oversees the infectious waste management of the CIU
- Ensures proper food handling protocols in meal preparation.
Health Care Workers (Midwife/BHW) (1 per 12 patients)
- Performs daily rounds and assessment
- Performs daily assessments of patients in CIU care on:
o Presence of symptoms in patient and family members
o Compliance to quarantine guidelines
Physician (via teleconsult)
- Approves admission, referral, and discharge of patients
- 24/7 on call
Support Staff
- Ensures the security of the CIU and monitors the entrance and exits
Security (2)
Maintenance (1)
5. In coordination with the SUC, ensure that the facilities are in compliance with DOH requirements.
6. The following infection control shall be observed:
- Cleaning and disinfection of quarantine units/CUI rooms shall be the responsibility of the admitted patients.
- Handling of the laundry shall be in accordance with DOH guidelines on management of PUIs and PUMs.
- Waste management shall be in accordance with DOH guidelines on management of PUIs and PUMs.
7. Coordinate and monitor the activities of SUCs and update the SUC on breaches on protocols and other problems.
8. Regularly update the concerned DOH Center for Health and Development (DOH-CHD)
Role of SUCs
1. Engage the requesting LGU
2. With the LGU, ensure that their facilities are in compliance with the requirements set by DOH.
3. Enter a MOA with LGU
4. May augment logistics particularly additional workforce through their own employees. Appropriate training must be given to eligible employees prior to deployment.
5. Regularly update the CHED Regional Offices regarding their status especially for breaches in protocols or other problems.