
LGUs can collaborate with barangays in their localities to prepare their own quarantine facilities to lessen the influx of people in hospitals and health centers.
The influx of LSIs and ROFs overwhelmed the capacity of the Municipality of M’lang to admit and monitor PUMs in its quarantine facility.
Should this pandemic continue to exist indefinitely, having only one isolation/quarantine facility would not be enough to cater all its returning LSIs and ROFs. In response to this concern, the Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs) initiated the identification and preparation of an area/facility to serve as a Quarantine Area.
The BHERTs of the 37 barangays of the municipality of Mlang prepared their own quarantine facilities to house their respective persons under monitoring (PUMs). Quarantine facilities were promptly identified around the barangay area such as, but not limited to, health centers, daycare centers, multi-purpose halls, evacuation centers, senior citizen halls, and even newly constructed buildings.
Through this initiative, the LGU was able to maximize the munici pality’s capacity to house its PUMs.