
LGUs can empower a community-based team of volunteers to support local health workers and shape positive behaviors on immunization and health.

LGUs can decrease the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases by employing the social mobilization process to develop local strategies and activities to address vaccine hesitancy.
This Health Promotion Playbook for Immunization provides local government units with ready-to-use tools to help promote and protect a critical determinant of health and well-being: decreasing vaccine hesitancy among parents and caregivers. This present module of the Health Promotion Playbook provides an evidence-based intervention that local decision-makers may find useful for implementation at the level of the community; this intervention may be modified by local governments to more appropriately address the specific issues in the community. Likewise, the components included herein may be modified to local contexts, subject to a needs assessment of LGUs or authorized sub-units.