
LGUs can refer to these guidelines when implementing COVID-19 related policies in their communities.
The Guide serves as a rehabilitation and recovery planning reference at the local level, particularly on COVID-19.
Specifically, this will have the following uses:
• serve as primary reference for Local COVID-19 Task Forces, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (LDRRMCs) in preparing rehabilitation and recovery programs, and local planners in the updating of medium- and long-term mandated plans of LGUs to sustain rehabilitation and recovery initiatives addressing COVID-19 impacts (the document is suggestive in terms of the process, programs or interventions, and templates for planning)
• suggest baseline data requirements for generation of LGUs for use in rehabilitation and recovery planning
• guide the coordination of rehabilitation and recovery efforts of LGUs, including their roles, responsibilities, and institutional structures
• provide a rehabilitation and recovery framework for COVID-19 that defines medium- and long-term goals and desired outcomes of sectoral interventions to inform the formulation of rehabilitation and recovery programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) that shall: (i) form part of a cohesive rehabilitation and recovery program for COVID-19 and/ or (ii) be integrated in the medium- and long-term mandated plans of LGUs