Issuances Summary
Community Response

Guidelines on Contact Tracing


LGUs can use the guidelines linked below when they conduct contact tracing in their communities.

Contact tracing is the identification, listing, and follow-up of people who may have come into contact with an infected person. Contact tracing is important in containing the spread of a virus. This is conducted to 1) confirm diagnosis of COVID-19, 2) determine who might be transmitted, and 3) identify how to control the virus.

The Department of Health released guidelines on:

  • Initiation of Contact Tracing
  • Identification of Close Contacts
  • Management
  • Recording and Reporting
  • Termination of Contact Tracing

The interim guidelines also indicates the roles and responsibilities of each person assigned.

Interim Guidelines on Contact Tracing
This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.