
LGUs can use these recommendations as their guide in managing COVID-19 in their community.
The Alliance for Improving Health Outcomes and Zuellig Family Foundation developed a 4-part recommendation for community-based management of COVID-19.
The 4 modules are:
1) Local Preparedness and Response Strategy - this module aims to guide LGUs in their COVID - 19 preparedness and response mechanisms on the level of governance and coordination;
2) Case Finding and Contact Tracing - this module aims to describe how communities can prevent the spread of COVID-19 through community mobilized and people-centric case finding, contact tracing, and isolation;
3) Establishing Community Isolation Units - this module aims to describe LIGTAs COVID admission as an alternative to home-based isolation in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in communities; and
4) Family oriented approach for different levels of care - this module aims to provide general guidance for household and family members for preventing and managing COVID-19 infection in the home/community.