Community Response

City-Paid Daily Radio Time Slot to Disseminate Localized Updates on COVID-19 Concerns and Advocacies

LGUs can utilize available materials, online and offline, to ensure proper dissemination of information

The City of Cabadbaran has the Cabadbaran City Official Page as its main frontline in updating Cabadbaranons near and far on the latest developments of the city. This has been a source of information to keep the public aware. But in order to maximize, the city’s capacity to inform its constituents, the city has availed morning and afternoon air time in two of the three existing local radio stations namely, Honey FM and Kiss FM to air advocacies and information drives related to the spread and deadly effects of the COVID‐ 19 Disease once it infiltrates the City.

Cabadbaran Innovations and Creativity Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis
This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.